Herberts Reisen

back to the German Version

last updated: 20.06.01

Sorry, until now I hadn't time to translate my travel diaries into English.


Website in German

Ayers Rock
Ayers Rock: the Red Center

13400 km by bus through Australia

Package tour: sleeping in a tent



Website in German

Edinburgh Castle

Scotland and Inner Hebrids

China (Beijing)

Website in German

Chinesische Mauer
the Great Wall

one week at Beijing

a visit to the forbidden city


Website in German

the three great pyramids

Cairo and Luxor

ancient culture

USA - Southwest

Website in German

Golden Gate Bridge, California, USA

USA roundtrip: Los Angeles, Grand Canyon, Las Vegas, Salt Lake City, Jackson, San Francisco

USA - Northeast (Canada)

Website in German

Hotel Frontenac, Quebec, Canada

USA: New York, Washington

Canada: Quebec, Toronto and Niagara Falls

USA - South

Website in German

Epcot Center
Epcot Center, Florida, USA

New York, Washington, New Orleans, Miami and back to New York along the atlantic coast

for inspirations and criticism:crazy_herby@geocities.com
